
Zusammenfassung des Übersetzungsangebots

Da ich ein Freiberufler bin (und daher keine Übersetzungsfirma vertrete), beschränke ich meine Übersetzungstätigkeit auf folgendes Angebot:

  • Sprachen: Deutsch nach Englisch
  • Fachgebiete: Geisteswissenschaften


  • B.A. Germanistik (Exeter u. Tübingen)
  • Diplomübersetzer Institute of Linguists (zwei Auszeichnungen)
  • MIL Final Exam für Institute of Linguists
  • Dr.phil. Gebiet: literarische Übersetzungstheorie (Erfurt)

Liste aller veröffentlichter Übersetzungen als PDF herunterladen.

Probeübersetzung von Wolfgang Wackernagels “Der transimaginäre Blick”

Deutscher Original Text (PDF)
Auszug der englischen Übersetzung (PDF)


Grundrate: 1 Euro pro Normzeile (55 Zeichen mit Leerstellen)
Für Texte mit einem besonderem Schwierigkeitsgrad oder mit einer engen Zeitfrist n. V.


  • per Rechnung
  • per Post (mit Unterschrift)
  • per Kontoüberweisung


Translation services

Having been trained both at school and university in the now discredited grammar-translation approach to language learning I, like most students, regarded translation as a necessary, but rather irksome task. However, ten years later, I began to enjoy translating for a very respectable local firm in Huddersfield ran by John Adams M. A. Cantab (First Class Honours) even though the texts to be translated were highly technical. I then took and passed with two merits the British Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation as well as gaining the final diploma for Membership of the Institute of Linguistics.
My doctoral thesis, as can be seen from the ‘academic section’, was concerned mainly with translating the ‘untranslatable’. I am particularly interested in ‘difficult’ translations.
It can be seen from the enclosed list of publications that, since coming to Erfurt, I have had the luxury of translating mainly academic articles and books in the humanities including history, geography, philosophy, theology, art and literary criticism, linguistics and other related fields.
I have also enclosed a sample translation of an academic article and a review of Luthers Brevier, which I translated and which is available on-line as a daily meditation at no cost.


The informally agreed rates of most English translators in Erfurt are very reasonable at one Euro per line (Standard Line = 55 strokes including spaces). If you would like to make use of our services, I suggest you contact me by e-mail at the following address:

Translation samples

Sample translation of Wolfgang Wackernagels “Der transimaginäre Blick”
German source text (PDF)
Sample Translation into English (PDF)

Sample translation of “Luther’s Breviary”
View translation and review (PDF)

Selected list of published translations


  • (2016) Mapping Spatial Relations, Their Perceptions and Dynamics, The City Today and in the Past, Translation for the museum’s permanent exhibition.
  • (2016) Art and Science – An empirically grounded Construction of Types through interdisciplinary Data Triangulation of Pictures and Texts in an ethnomethodological Research in Early Childhood Art Education, Conference contribution for Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stutz, University of Erfurt, Germany Oral Presentation, IQM Glasgow, May 4th 2016.
  • (2014) Museum für Thüringer Volkskunde: Faszination Alltag, Rau, Susanne, Schönherr, Ekkehard (Eds.) Berlin: Springer Verlag (Translation of some articles and proofreading of the whole book)
  • (2010) In the Footsteps of Martin Luther, Heinz Stade and Thomas A. Seidel; Weimar: Wartburg Verlag.
  • (2007) Luthers Brevier, Worte für jeden Tag, Luther’s Breviary, A Meditation for Each Day of the Year. Seidel Thomas A. (Ed.), Transl. with Philip Wilson, Weimar: Wartburg Verlag.
  • (2003) Unaussprechlich Schön, Das mystische Paradoxon in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, Ineffable Beauty, Mystical Paradox in 20th Century Art. Schierz, Kai Uwe (Ed.) Köln: Salon Verlag.
  • (1995) Beyond Light and Shadow, Rolf H. Kraus, Transl. with Timothy Bell, Munich: Nazraeli Press.

Translations: Shorter books, articles, conference contributions and pamphlets:

  • (2014 ) “European History of Romance Language Teaching”, in: Christiane Fäcke (Ed.), Manual of Language Acquisition. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter (Manuals of Romance Linguistics, Vol. 2), 255-273.
  • (2012) Translation of the article Schüler/in psychologisch by Prof. Dr. Andrea Schulte of the University of Erfurt (Conference Contribution).
  • (2012) Translation of a conference contribution with the English title Practitioners of religious historiography by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau.
  • (2010) Translation of the permanent exhibition texts for the Alte Synagoge (Old Synagogue) Erfurt.
  • (1996.) The Beautiful and Ancient City of Erfurt, (Ute Banse), VHT Verlagshaus Thüringen, Erfurt, Luther in Erfurt, (Ute Banse) Erfurt: VHT Verlagshaus.
  • (1996) Erfurt, Sieben Spaziergänge durch eine Ehrwürdige Stadt, Seiten 125-131, Erfurt: VHT Verlagshaus.
  • (1998) Old Traditions and New Beginnings, Erfurt: Löwe Verlag & Werbung.

View full list.